Contact Me
So as not to WASTE your time, please read the following important points about sending an email before you compose your message:
- No Medical Advice Will Be Offered
I am not a medical doctor. Even if I was, I would not be your personal physician, the person with whom you should consult for
advice about all matters relating to your health. But as I mentioned, I am not qualified to offer advice about matters of your
personal health. What I am qualified to do, and which I confine myself to doing, is study and summarize for others scientific
accounts (usually peer-reviewed science papers) of issues related to the maintenance of good neurological health. Especially
as it pertains to women who have already reached the fifth decade of life.
Otherwise, if you have general questions about the content found on the pages of this site, or you wish to enquire about
other aspects of this web site, please enter the relevant information into the form below, preview your message, then send it.